
I am a Master's student in Robotics and Autonomous systems at RBCCPS in Indian institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where I work on Reinforcement Learning based locomotion of walking robots, under the guidance of Dr.Shishir.N.Y at Stochastic Robotics Lab at IISC

I majorly works on Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Robot Learning. I am interested in building intelligence in Stochastic systems.

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Course Work

2022   Stochastic Models and Applications
2023   Theory and Applications of Bayesian Learning
2023   Data Science for Smart City Applications
2023   Human-Computer Interactions
2023   Reinforcement Learning .
2023   Robotic Perception
2023   Robot Learning and control
2023   Autonomous Navigation & Planning


2022 - present   M.Tech Robotics and Autonomous systems at Indian institute of Science, Bangalore
2018 - 2022   B.Tech Mechanical Engineering at Presidency University, Bangalore
2016 - 2018   11th and 12th standard, Narayana Junior College, Nellore
2016   10th standard, Don Bosco English Medium High School, Nellore


Estimation of Vehicle Speed using Computer Vision | Pytorch, OpenCV, CNN

Apr 2023 project info

• This was developed as a part of coursework for Robotic Perception course.

• PWC-NET a CNN-based approach was used to estimate the optical flow from the successive video frames.

• Yolo V5 was used for object detection in the given frame.

• Calculated the relative movement of predicted object’s movement with optical flow vectors

Bayesian Imputation for Missing Sensor Data in IoT Devices | Keras, Pytorch, LSTM

Mar 2023 project info

• Aim: Predict missing values in IoT sensor data (temperature and humidity) using Bayesian methods.

• Phases: Data analysis, pre-processing, and transitioning from Frequentist to Bayesian approaches.

• Bayesian Models: Bayesian Ridge Regression, Gaussian Process Regression, and PyMC3 used for accurate imputation.

Automated Driver Assistance System | Pytorch, TensorFlow, CNN

Jun 2023 project info

• Object detection (Yolo) and Lane Detection (UltraFast Lane detector) module was developed using pytorch framework. While the Depth Estimation (MiDaS) was developed using TensorFlow framework.

• The inference time of the model was optimized using the Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library on the intel’s developer’s cloud.

• A performance speedup of approximately 4.5x was achieved using the oneAPI libraries.

Adaptive Locomotion of Walking Robots through Reinforcement Learning | Pytorch, ANN, Isaac gym, Mujoco
In colloboration with DRDO
2022 - present project website

• This is my Maters Thesis Project, associated with Stochastic Robotics lab (IISc Bangalore).

Autonomous Navigation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in controlled environments. | ROS, C++

2020 video

This is a Sponsored project under the supervision of Eyantra IIT-Bombay and MHRD, and a part of the Robotics Competition organized by Eyantra.


Awards and Acheivements

University Gold Medal in bachelor's degree.
5th convocation Presidency University

For the Outstanding academic performance in B.Tech.

Organized By German Centre for Research (DWIH) and Innovation and DAAD
2019 conference link

Theme: Breaking the wall of irrigation challenges with ML and IOT

2nd place in Intel OneAPI Hackathon

Jun 2023 link

• Worked with Intel AI Analytics Toolkits and Intel optimized frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch. /p>

• Real time object detection, lane detection and Depth estimation for autonomous vehicles

AI and Robotics Technology park Fellowship.
Fellowship Details

Top up fellowship for the Masters project awarded by ARTPARK.
